This website presents an exhibition prepared by Forum for Dialogue, which accompanied the grand opening of the Polin -Museum of the History of Polish Jews. It is dedicated to changes that have taken place in Polish-Jewish dialogue in the last 25 years. It describes the multitude of initiatives that have sprouted all over Poland. It’s about young people who take part in study programs, which are eye-openers to everything that had been forgotten. It shows stories about Leaders of Dialogue, who are involved in preservation of Jewish heritage in their towns. It focuses on the encounters of Jews who are visiting Poland and confronting their established ideas about Poland with the reality. The “25 years in Dialogue” outdoor exhibition will be available for a month, beginning October 24, situated next to the Irena Sendlerowa Alley in Warsaw.
Photo credits: E. Bartosik, A. Ceglarek, A. Gąsecki, P.Green, J. Jabłońska, K. Klauzińska, K. Kochanowska, W. Kryński, N. Listkowski, M. Maślak, I. Meyza, M. Mitzner, P.Mazur, K. Niewczas, M. Nowicka, D.Parol, K. Pietrzak, A. Piłat, W. Radwański, W. Romanik, B. Sieradz, M. Suchan, D. Wagner, Festiwal Kultury Żydowskiej w Krakowie, Forum Dialogu, Brama Cukermana, Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe, Ośrodek Edukacyjno‑Muzealny „Świętokrzyski Sztetl”, POLIN – Museum of the History of Polish Jews.
We wish to thank POLIN-Museum of the History of Polish Jews for all of their help and support with organizing the exhibition.
The project is co-financed by the Department of Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the 2014 edition of the competition Cooperation in the Field of Public Diplomacy. The present publication presents the opinions of its author and cannot be equated with the official position of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.